Ah...spackling. Nothing like being able to clean up and move on...like nothing ever happened. Some say there's an art to spackling...I don't know about all of that, but I do know that everybody has their own way of doing it.
Truth is that most people don't spackle correctly. Some use too much spackle, while others don't use enough. Some people use a wet sponge to smooth the area out, others use sandpaper or a sanding sponge...and others don't even bother cleaning the wall after spackling. More importantly, most people don't prep the wall correctly prior to spackling...
So what's the big deal? Why bother discussing this at all...well honestly, why bother spackling at all if you aren't going to do it right? Seriously, what's that ultimate benefit that you're looking for that lead you to spackling in the first place? The answer is most likely: to maintain your home.
Up until now, most people were stuck with the traditional spackling techniques and materials. We've decided to revolutionize all of that...completely change the entire idea of spackling and turn it on its side. So, if the true bottom line is to maintain your home (whether you own it or not), let's do just that.
Walls are flat. The trick to maintaining your wall is to keep the surface flat and even. First step with any spackling job it to prep the wall/area that needs maintenance. By using our very own BAR Co's Vac Sander, we now can easily smooth out the wall PRIOR to spackling.
By sanding first in your maintenance regimen, your wall can retain its flat and even surface. You'll have a smooth and clean surface to work from, ultimately pulling focus to specific areas that need the repair work. And because your wall is smooth and ready to be repaired, you’ll actually use less spackle and keep your wall flat and even.
So, the main idea here is to eliminate the worst problems of your wall (bumps, defects, flaws) before you start spackling. To get perfect results, you have to take your surface down, not build it up. Almost like returning your wall to its original “canvas state” (its original surface).
By eliminating everything above the “flat plane” (or the surface of the wall), you’ll ultimately save time and materials, and use less spackle than you normally would.
Give sanding before spackling a try and let us know how you did.
Happy Sanding!
BAR Co. Production Company